Our colour palette is ownable and fresh — setting us apart in the competition. It flexes across our entire brand and can be used in many different ways.
Core colour palette
Our core palette forms the foundation of the colour palette for our brand. All of the colours are designed to work together.
This scale gives an indication of where to use certain colours and how much prominence they have within the brand.
USAGE: Careem Green represents Careem at the highest level. It is used as much as possible as the core colour. It should also feature as a ‘green thread’ throughout our brand when other colours are more dominant.
USAGE: Our Desert Sky Blue is another extension of our palette which allows us to create some beautiful gradients with our core ‘Careem Green’. We also use it as a highlight colour, but more sparingly.
USAGE: Our Midnight Blue is another extension of our palette which allows us to create some high contrast moments. We use it when we need to make text more deep and more legible on layouts.
USAGE: Our Off White should be used in scenarios where the text is harder to read ontop of one of our core colours, such as our Core Green and Forest Green.
Pantone N/A RGB 250 255 252 CMYK: 3 0 3 0 #FAFFFC
Gradients: CORE BRAND
Our core gradient is used as the main background within our core brand. This is supplied in the downloads link as ready to use.
Our CTAs use our core green and
become our ‘green thread’
throughout our digital experience..